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Are you planning on going to college? If so, this is the place for you! Provided are links to the PSAT, SAT, ACT, and CLEP Exam. Click on the blue button to be directed to the appropriate website to learn more about each specific exam.

  • PSAT: The PSAT is a standardized test used to show students how they might perform on the SAT. 

  • SAT: The SAT is a standardized test used to grant admission into a college or university. It is a test that measures what students learned in high school to determine their academic readiness for college. 

  • ACT: The ACT is an additional standardized test that measures what students learned in high school to determine their academic readiness for college. 

  • CLEP: The CLEP exams allow students the opportunity to earn college credit(s) for what they already know. If you excel in a specific subject, take an appropriate CLEP exam to bypass the actual college course. Make sure your college/university accepts CLEP credits!

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